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Peanut and Celery Salad

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  • Post category:Appetizer

This cold appetizer is an authentic dish from northern China. It’s light, nutritious and flavorful.

Original Recipe

Yixi’s Remake


12Star anise
23Bay leaves
31 tspSichuan Pepper
41 tspSalt
51/2 tspSugar
61Green Onion
  • Put 1-3 in a filter bag. Place it together with 4-6 and 350ml water in a pot. Soak 1 Cup of raw peanuts in it for 3-6 hours.
  • Bring the pot to boil, then boil it for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the onion and the filter bag. Drain the water and let the peanuts cool.


11/4 tspSalt
21/2 tspSoy sauce
31/2 tspVinegar
41tChilli oil or Sesame oil
  • Boil water with a little oil. Put 50g of carrot cubes and 50 grams of celery cubes in and boil for 1 minute.
  • Raise the vegetables in cold water. Drain it.
  • Add the seasoning 4 seasonings above, and mix well.

Mix and Serve

Now mix the peanuts and the vegetables together. Put it in the fridge for 30 minutes then serve!

Compare to the original recipe, I increased the amount of the vegetables, and replaced the spicy ingredients, so it’s kids friendly.