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Japanese Style Ramen

I made the ramen completely from scratch. After going through all the complex and time-consuming process, I decide next time I will use store-bought ramen, and only make this when I have the meat ready. I will also use store-bought stock instead of making stock from scratch.

Don’t let the complexity take away the fun!

Nitamago (Marinated soft boiled egg)

1/2 tspMinced ginger
1/2 tspMinced garlic
100 mlWater
50 mlSake
80 mlMirin
80 mlSoy sauce
  • Bring the above sauce to boil, then let it cool.
  • Boil a pot of water, put the eggs in and boil for 7 mins.
  • Peel the eggs. Put eggs and sauce in a zip bag. Squeeze the air out.
  • Leave it in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • If you want to reuse the sauce, make sure to boil it again.


Below is for 3 bowls of ramen. This is not the traditional way to make ramen broth. But the taste is very similar. It’s based on the recipe by Japanese Youtuber Masa.

13 tbspSesame paste
22 tspMiso
34 clovesMinced garlic
46 g (2 small bags)Katsuobushi
52 tspSugar
61 tbspSoy sauce
71/4 tspWhite pepper
82 pinchesSalt
92 tspSesame oil
1060 gMilk
11900 mlChicken stock
1215 gButter
  • Put 5-11 in a pot.
  • Take about 1/4 cup of the mixed soup and put it in a bowl. Dissolve 1 and 2 in the soup, and pour it back to the pot.
  • Put 3 and 4 in a filter bag, then put in the pot.
  • Bring it to boil, then boil it for 30 mins in low heat.
  • Before turning off the heat, add the butter in.


  • Add the meat, and half of an egg.
  • Add other toppings as you like.
  • Cut the green onion to very fine slices and put on the top center.

I make some major changes compare to Masa’s recipe. Here are the reasons:

  • I am not using sesame seeds and blender. Because blender can’t chop it fine enough. It affects the texture of the broth. It’s also hard to clean the blender with all the sesame crumbs. So I used sesame paste instead. You can find it in Chinese grocery stores.
  • I put Katsuobushi and minced garlic in a filter bag to keep the broth as smooth as possible.

Below photos are from when I used the original recipe.